Ways to Give
Cash/Check donations can be given in person or sent to the address below:
P.O. Box 61 Stanton, CA 90680
Please make checks payable out to:
Stanton City Presbyterian Church
You can give online through our Kindrid account.
We give because we have been given the ultimate gift of all: Salvation in Christ. Hence, we give with generous cheerful hearts.
Why We G.I.V.E
We give because we have prayerfully considered our spending, counted our cost and desire for His name to be known. We give not without thought, but with sincere hearts of thankfulness.
Voluntary First Fruits
In the OT, the language of First Fruits, was to give God one’s best harvest. When a believer gives, they commit to centering their finances around Christ. When you give your offering, think of it as the first part of your finances, rather than your last thought.
Establishing the Local Church
As a young missional church, Stanton City Pres. relies heavily on outside donations and offerings. Please consider giving to our ministry as we desire to use your financial gifts to build a community of believer that will then share the good news to those broken and lost souls in the city of Stanton.