Vision & Mission

Vision Statement: (Our End)

Stanton City Pres desires for the entire city of Stanton to know and worship our Triune GOD.

Mission Statement: (Our Means)

We desire to express a community that lives out our faith, both in word and deed, and to witness the body of Christ to our neighbors.

“A lone fellow could take a grouping of words and thoughts of very profound experience and put it onto paper and let the world recognize it and enjoy it and that’s genius. Someone else can take a number of metals and place it together into fine machinery and we call that skill. An artist can see scenery, put that onto a canvas and make it lovelier than we can see with our naked eye and we call that art. But God can take you and I, sinners that shook our fist against God, save us by the grace of the Lord, cleanse us by the blood of Christ, fill us with the Holy Spirit, send us into the mission field and make us a blessing to all of humanity and we call that grace.”

— Manny Ortiz